Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Reward Party!

Hello Everyone,
Today we had our spelling test everyone did well on the “ang” words. Next week the principle is “ank” so we did a little bit of poetry anthology on a poem titled “Cash in the Bank”. We also made our differentiated spelling cards for next week. The kids are making great progress with those! We did the last reading of our thermometers for the experiment about how the sun affects the water temperature here on earth. We will graph this next week and extend the lesson to hypothesize how the sun affects the different bodies of water, the water cycle, and types of matter (via freezing, cooling, and evaporation of the Earth’s water sources).  Each child was in a group for water temperature testing. Your child was in the shade group, direct sunlight group, or the indoor group so they will be able to tell you what they found about how their water sample temperature changed throughout the day and in comparison with the other groups.
We had our good behavior party since we filled up our button jar with good behavior buttons! We made apple puppets, drank apple cider and bobbed for apples (low water level so our faces did not get wet and one apple in the bin at a time so we did not bite every apple)! The kids are going to vote on what they would like for the next behavior party we will earn- so that could be fun dinner conversation!
I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend,
Mrs. Wilson


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