Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today we did Buddy Check with our spelling words- you can find this in their red folders that we send home every night. I really notice the increase in their scores from Buddy Check to the actual test so thank you for practicing their missed words with them.  Their phonemic awareness is definitely improving due to their diligent practice with the words based on the phonics principle of the week. I have even overheard the kids pointing out ACE, ALL, ANG, and ANK words in their independent reading. They also mention this during reading groups! The phonics practice increases their reading fluency and builds their decoding skills.
I would also like to thank you for helping your child to return their reading group books every day. This makes reading groups run smoothly because there is no pause to locate an additional copy of their leveled book. The differentiated spelling lists and leveled reading groups are helping each child work to their potential. Each child seems to be challenged and functioning at their level without frustration. (Please let me know if do or do not see this at home too!)
We wrote a letter to the principals this morning since we are studying letter composition and persuasive writing. Your child may want to tell you what they asked for, why they should have it, and what they would do in effort to earn it. We also learned a little bit about George Washington and the kids quickly pointed out that he was on the quarter which is such a great connection. We talked about how the states passed the bill of rights during Washington’s presidency and how they address freedoms to include free speech. While exploring this we came across an image of Martin Luther King Jr. and the children knew his name and the title of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech without me telling them! Very impressive.
Happy Thursday!


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