Sunday, June 3, 2012

Icy Adjectives

To review examples of adjectives, and how to use them, we sampled various flavors of ice pops and described them using the most fitting adjectives. What a fun treat on a hot day!

Field Trip to Montgomery County Credit Union

As a wrap up for our unit on economics we ventured over to Montgomery County Credit Union to see money matters in action!
The entrance to the bank:

Seeing a check being printed:

A peek into the safe: 

Watching the machine count money!

We were lucky enough to meet their "principal"! 

The presented us with favors; could they be any cuter?!

Look at that cute face, someone is happy with their favor!!! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ice Cream and Multiplication Dancing?

What other profession encourages allows you to dance to multiplication raps and enjoy an ice cream sundae on Thursday afternoon?! Teaching is simply the greatest job ever. :) Our class enjoyed ice cream sundaes with robot and princess sprinkles to boot while dancing to these adorable multiplication music videos by HaveFunTeaching. Check out their YouTube site:

HaveFunTeaching has everything from math to literacy and the animations are beyond adorable. The songs allow the kids to move around which is great for your bodily-kinesthetic learners, the video aspect is great for your visual-spatial learners, and the music is obviously great for your musical learners! We probably should have eaten our ice cream before dancing... such is life!

A Stormy Afternoon

So, the other day it started to look a little ominous outside and while starting our science block we heard a little bit of thunder and saw a flash of lightning. A few students looked worried so of course the natural teacher reaction was to whip out the lighting nonfiction readers and learn about why this amazing process occurs. Most of the time, if we understand why things happen they become less scary- even to the smallest learners. 

Farm Yard Adventures at Aullwood

This past week we were lucky enough to explore the farm at Aullwood Audubon Center and boy was it fun!!! We learned a lot about agriculture, interdependence of animals, ruminants, the energy cycle, farming, and sustainability and even had a few misconceptions corrected by our awesome center/farm guide. By the end of the trip we had a better grasp on the importance of farms, where common goods come from, and how natural energy is harnessed to conduct processes on the farm. It was an added bonus that we were able to pet and observe some of the creatures that lived on the farm.