Thursday, April 19, 2012

It Is Nearly Certain We Will LOVE Probability

Today we started our unit on probability and the kids were slow to warm with the topic, but as soon as they saw a few examples of how probability works (some even for the first time) they were fully engaged and dare I say, even excited!
Here are a few snapshots of us exploring the uncertain world of probability. Yes, that was a joke. No, you don't have to laugh. ;)

Earth Day Celebrations and The Lorax

We are spending the week celebrating Earth Day by way of multiple disciplines in our classroom. We enjoyed a little bit of Starfall's "Every Day is Earth Day" during our computer center.

Our class also read a book as one whole reading group for the first time this year! It was a lot of fun. We then colored the pictures for a nice treat and a brain-break (coloring is a big treat in our room).  

This morning we read Dr. Seuss' The Lorax and had fun signaling the page turn with chimes; this helped us to focus because the book is actually quite lengthy!

Next, we wrote "If I were the Lorax, this is how I would help our Earth" and made Lorax mustaches courtesy of the Earth Day Lorax Craftivity by Mel D. at and Rachel Friedrich at Sub Hub! We toted our mustaches all the way out to the recycling bin at our school to recycle our scraps (and other trash treasures)!

We even noticed the neat shadows of our mustaches as we dumped the recycling bin. :)

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. 
It's not."
-Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome Back and Making Inferences

    Welcome back- I hope everyone had a great break and were able to spend time with their loved ones! I would like to take a moment to brag about share with you what the kiddos did today. J I thought it would be a slow morning seeing as it was our first day back but boy was I wrong! The kids welcomed the morning routine with open arms and even surprised me by taking lesson ideas one step further; they are so awesome. While engaging in our “Zap” game of HFW’s two of the little ones decided to add another level of challenge and require that you not only read the word on the popsicle stick correctly but also use it accurately in a sentence... they then took out their individualized spelling cards and spelling folders to crosscheck the words, just in case they should already know how to read the word. Are you kidding me?!? It was one of those moments when you feel great because you know that they not only can do the task at hand but also understand how to reference related materials, make important connections, ask the right questions, and are intrinsically motivated to challenge themselves and others.

  While on the topic of motivation I was looking through some super teacher blogs over break and came across a lesson on making inferences on a blog called The Inspired Apple; it parallels a concept introduced in the book Comprehension Connections- Bridges to Strategic Reading by Tanny McGregor and decided to try it today with the kiddos. It went so great I wanted to share some photos from it!

First, we dumped out my trashcan and examined the items...

 We listed each item and made an inference based on the item. 

Here is our completed chart.
Some of the responses read:
Item: To-Do List   "I infer that she has stuff to do every day."
Item: Breakfast Bar Wrapper "I infer that Mrs. Wilson likes fast breakfasts!" (this is more of a necessity than a like, but great inference! haha)
Item: A Tag From a New Puppet  "In infer that she bought us a new puppet."
Item: Little Broken Pencil  "I infer that she doesn't want us to hurt ourselves."

What a great job at an otherwise complicated concept. Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Explorations of Our Place in Space

Here are a few snapshots from our exploration of our place in space!

Here we are observing the earth orbiting around the sun! 

Constellation projections! 

Happy Spring Break to all and safe travels!
Mrs. Wilson

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Vacations and Staycations

  Even though we are in the middle of our geometry unit it is important to weave in prior mathematics topics just to keep everything fresh in their little noggins; so, we completed a graph to show how far we are traveling over spring break! Some of us are traveling over 300 miles and some of us are planning “staycations” for a little rest and relaxation. Either way, I am sure we will be refreshed and ready to work hard for the remainder of the school year once we return!